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Selling Products with Packaging

By Elite Strategies

They say first impressions can last a lifetime. That may very well apply to our packaging design process. That’s where brand companies like us come in. We know a thing or two about designing packaging that will capture the attention of a prospective customer.

Think of it this way–the packaging design of a product is like the cover of a book. It’s what makes people curious, and if the exterior is visually appealing enough, it’s what makes them want to see what’s inside. Packaging design enables customers to understand the brand’s identity and informs them on the purpose of the enclosed product. It can also influence a customer’s purchasing decision. That’s why a generic packaging design may not be a good idea. Therefore, companies need to invest in the design of their products and packaging.

Packaging Design Starts With Your Ideal Customer in Mind

Packaging design is a marketing tool that can enhance the customer experience. To begin, companies should create or refer to their customer profiles, which contain details about their ideal customers, such as their motivations, fears, and communication styles. Once the company gives us an idea of what interests their target audience, we can design around that. For example, if a company’s target audience includes young, artistic and fashionable women, we may opt for bright colors and a Script font. Of course, our clients may want us to adhere to their company colors and fonts and we able to work with that as well. The idea is to create a design that stands out and can be seen from a distance on a shelf.

Some of the other things we consider when we design packaging for our clients are the visibility of their logos and trademarks. We also factor in the shape and size of the packaging (box, pouch, bag or cans), including the materials that they are made out of. All of these elements must be strategically selected to define our clients’ brand identity. Our goal is to ensure that our clients’ brands are recognizable and that their packaging design elicits the right emotions. This is especially important considering that their products are placed next to their competitors.

Last but not least, we focus on the copy that goes on the packaging. We don’t like to add a lot of text, but we want to make sure that customers are informed about the product. Customers need to know how to use it, where to store it, if it has an expiration date and whether it has been approved by the FDA. When customers know what they are in for before they even open the box, they are most likely to purchase it.If you’re getting ready to launch a product and are interested in packaging design, give us a call. Our creative and experienced graphic designers will help make your ideas a reality! Let us help you brainstorm your next project. Contact us today!
