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The Importance of Interaction

By Kara K

Showing your brand on social media is important, but sometimes we forget its most important appeal: human interaction! Engaging with your followers and encouraging them to engage with you is essential to successfully marketing your brand on social media. Here are a few reasons why.

Relationship goals.
People don’t use social media so they can hear a sales pitch. They want to connect and catch up. When people interact with a brand on social media, they’re building a relationship. The more they like, comment and respond to polls, the more that brand is likely to stick in their minds when they decide to purchase those goods or services. So, try to inspire your audience into interacting with your posts by including stimulating pictures and video, and engaging calls-to-action.

Sharing is caring.
As your followers become loyal to your brand, they’re probably going to start talking about you – or, even better, sharing your posts. Friends of your followers can also see when they’ve liked your posts, thus exposing your brand to countless potential customers (and all from a single follower!).

Great! Now you.
Interaction is a two-way street, and your followers are more likely to engage with your brand on social media if you are equally interactive with them. So don’t just post and hope for the best: like back, follow back, and respond to comments (no, a blanket response like “Thank You!!!!” won’t do – make each response unique). This shows that you care about your followers and their thoughts on your brand, building trust, a strong relationship, and, in turn, loyalty.

Everything good comes in threes.
When adjusting your social media strategy, keep in mind the “Rule of 3.” Generally, people need to have at least three interactions with your brand or business on social media before they become dedicated to your goods or services (that’s called brand loyalty). If you’re not getting the results you were hoping for, try incorporating the rule of 3 into your posts (it helps to test this on one or two of your local followers). You might be surprised at the results.

Can’t rush perfection.
Gaining interaction with your followers takes more time than a direct, “salesy” approach, and as such might be ignored by some business owners. But take it from us – Delray Beach’s best little marketing agency: this approach generates more sales and return customers. We’ve done everything from packaging design to social media strategy for clients local and international, and we’ve seen firsthand how this strategy beats the rest.
